About The Author

Written bybirdmi.com|June 16, 2019

Hey adventurous travelers, my name is Angie. I like traveling a lot, and love exploring unique places, especially where I can do outdoor activities. That’s why you wouldn’t see “Museum Tour” on my website 😛   So let me tell you something about myself:

In 2010, I got my first working holiday visa to Australia and was packing chicken in the factory to save some money, so that I could travel around there. First time being far away from home has opened me up and made me stronger. After one year, I returned to Hong Kong to work in finance. It was at this time I learned about investments, and was able to save more money to travel.


Even though I was doing well at work, I still had a burning desire to travel again. So after a few years on the grind in Hong Kong, I set my sights on Europe. I always wanted to go backpacking in Europe by myself and it was not the first time I had travelled alone, but it was the longest journey by myself. I spent almost 3 years backpacking around Europe, and had some amazing experiences. Now i stay in Germany.


In total, I visited 26 countries in Europe, but the number is nowhere near as impressive as the experiences I had and friends I met– I wouldn’t start my travel career without their help. I traveled lightly and cheaply, staying in a hostel for most of the first year. I also couch-surfed, and went camping in places where accommodation was expensive. It was a real adventure!


I hiked on a glacier in Iceland, and camped out in the wild there (apparently I was good at it – our experienced tour guide invited me to be a tour guide!); I hitch-hiked down to Southern Portugal; I hiked to Finse 1222, a glacier in Norway, by myself. It was raining and I got lost; I hiked in the Alps in Switzerland and got lost again; I stayed in a very creepy hostel in a castle in Perugia; I drove a speed boat for the first time in Malta; I went sky-diving on my birthday in Hvar, Croatia; I visited ‘Titanic Town’ in Ireland (a very creepy place); I hiked through the forest in the rain to Lichtenstein Castle; I did canyoning in Slovenia; I did cliff jumping in Malta; I still have a lot of amazing memories… Most of the time I was alone. I felt lonely sometimes but I also enjoyed my freedom very much.

It is not easy to turn a passion into a career, but through this website I want to give you the courage to get out and explore. I’ve been to most of the places listed on the website myself, and now all these experiences and more can be yours too. If you’re the type who loves an adventure, leave the luxury hotels behind and take on the challenge. Start your adventure today at www.birdmi.com!

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information, I am happy to help you planning your next adventure! Happy travels~~~

One thought on “About The Author

  1. 26 countries in Europe over 3 years is absolutely amazing. You live a good life. I hope to Travel as much as you some day. What was your favorite memory from all the travelling you’ve done?

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